Welcome to Sunday folks! Sorry I missed ya last week, it was a busy one. It’s a tough time in the red zone. But I’ve been busy! So let’s see what Steve has been up to for the past little while.

It’s a nice little box. I made it for a friend, you can find his work over at kolgen.net (very, very cool stuff). It’s a pretty neat little device he has a few of, but wanted a Eurorack version retrofitted. I’ll let you take a peak at it’s innards before I tell you what it is.

Those are good old fashioned potentiometers attached to two 10x turn potentiometers. So what you’ve got a is a real fancy (and useful) attenuation box. Very very cool. And with the 10x turn potentiometers, you can REALLLY dial in a proper voltage/sound. So that was a fun little detour from what has keeping me far too busy.

That’s what has been keeping me far too busy! But not in a bad way really. I do quite like farting around with this synth stuff. Maybe I’ll even be a big boy and have my own synth company one of these days. I can dream. AND I WILL!
Also, I just wanted to thank everyone reading this thing. I hit a big milestone this month.

So, thank you! It means a lot that people read this, even more when I get comments and emails. Please keep sending emails, I love to hear from/help you people. However humble 1000 views is, it really means a lot. So thank you again!
Enough of that mushy stuff. Enough of this blog for the week! Thanks for reading, I’ll be back with some hot sauce next week. Maybe I’ll throw together the Typhoon, maybe I’ll just keep chipping away at the Deckard’s Dream. Either way, I’ll keep yawl posted!
Keep it samesies out there and have a beauty week out there folks!