Blog: Arrivals

Hello hello hello. Nothing super exciting this week, but the post office has been busy delivering to my foggy little Montreal apartment. So let’s take a look-see.

Mail Parcel from Russia
From Russia, with fuzz.

Packages from Russia sure do look cool. But as always, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Lyra-8 DIY PCB
Look at that yella mask. Love it.

The LYRA-8 DIY PCB set has arrived! Sure looks like it’s going to be a barrel of laughs. Coming down the pipe soonish…? Depending how bad my GAS for Deckard’s Dream is, sooner or later.

Speaking of Deckard’s Dream, postman also delivered this neat little box.

Deckard's Dream PCB Box
Such a dark and scary box.
Deckard's Dream PCBs
OUUU boy. I cannot wait.

More voice cards then I would ever hope to solder and some CS-80 magic is floating around ever since this box entered the apartment.

Sorry it’s not a Buchla 208p clone. I promise up and down this silly little blog I WILL BUILD THE 208p.

PAPZ, HERE I COME. (This is future me talking here.)

And last, but not least. The lab is finally up and running.

Studio Desk with Audio Gear
Finally. The dream has been fully realized. A completely separate studio and workbench.

And that monstrous 12u rack I’m sure you’re wondering about? It’s gonna have a Deckard’s Dream and another 3u of Eurorack eventually. And then I’ll have to find an excuse to get MORE gear and a BIGGER workspace. Cntw8.

Eurorack Gear in Use
So happy. All of my toys, playing together, finally.

I’ll do another blog in the near future about my studio setup, and maybe one day I’ll even make music with it. Wouldn’t that be neat?

Either way, thanks for hanging around. More builds soon, but in the meantime did you see the M-Brane build from last week? It was definitely an exciting one, I even blew a power supply!

Until next week, keep it saucey + samesies.

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