This 0603 conversion of Mutable Instruments Veils is an absolute beaute! I pumped out two of these things with the Joe Rogan knobs, and it looks really nice, and sounds even cooler.
So does it have all the fancy bells and whistles that Plancks has? No. But do I want bells and whistles? Of course not. Noises scare other noises. And sometimes you just need a solid VCA.

But this is all backwards. Here is where it all started… Well it all started with a little trip over to Pusherman, but I digress.

While there isn’t much to talk about here, it is mainly because there is no flashing of any micro controllers to be done, just some straight VCA goodness. While the smaller ICs were a bit of a pain because they JUST fit onto the pads, nothing too tough. May have to invest in one of those hot air stations one of these days…BUT ANYWAYS, here are some board shots.

So that’s all there is to it! As far as VCAs go, of course Mutable’s take is top notch. Can you even believe what this thing does to instrument level inputs?
Guitar -> Veils -> Interface ****LOUD****
Listen to that JUIIIIICE. You don’t even want to know what it does to those hot hot euro signals.
So is it good? Is Mutable Instruments Veils that good good we’ve come to expect? OF COURSE IT IS. This little puppy has replaced my previous favourite Intellijel Quad VCA. It sounds great, and the way the gain colours signals just gets me giddy. I could get a serious distorted tone with just my guitar, Veils and some EQ’ing. That’s good stuff boys and girls.
And it wouldn’t be a build diary without promises of future content! We’re talking a KNIT build, then maybe even a CARA build if I’m feeling sassy. I also got a LPZW Pocket Operator to Eurorack Convertor… so that should be pretty gnarly. I really think I will do some sort of review… Is anyone reading this? Send me a sign.
Found this yesterday and started at build #1.. been enjoying the process. After building about 100 or so modules myself, I’m always learning and this has been a nice additional resource.. thanks!
Thanks Dan! Appreciate your readership, and super happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the content.
And 100 modules, hot damn! That’s a case or two full. I’d love to see some of your work if it can be found online. Either way, thank you again, and hopefully I will be able to post some new content soon!