4MS SMR: Build Diary #9
Self quarantine is easy with the 4MS SMR DIY build! Don't you fret, there are only 100+ 1K resistors, among the litany of other passive components. And we're not even…
Self quarantine is easy with the 4MS SMR DIY build! Don't you fret, there are only 100+ 1K resistors, among the litany of other passive components. And we're not even…
It's like Plaits, but it's Antumbra working their magic again for this cute little KNIT. How did it all go? Perfectly, thanks for asking, Antumbra's redesigns are made for simpletons…
Pocket Operator Eurorack adapter you say? You know you've thought about it. I bet you even did some weird gain pumping clock division thing just to get it going with…
This 0603 conversion of Mutable Instruments Veils is an absolute beaute! I pumped out two of these things with the Joe Rogan knobs, and it looks really nice, and sounds…
You know I loooooves my jakplugg, but I don't dote on Antumbra nearly as much as I should, so let's build the Antumbra ATOM why don't we? I've built SMOG,…