DIY Rechargeable EUROBURO Case
We've got some more battery powered good-times, and this-times its DIY EUROBURO case times. Welcome back maybe? Either way, this started back in this blog post here where I was…
We've got some more battery powered good-times, and this-times its DIY EUROBURO case times. Welcome back maybe? Either way, this started back in this blog post here where I was…
No way, right?! A ZLOB VNICURSAL build video?! I hope you like it. If you don't go read a classic build diary like that old CARA build. Who doesn't love…
The day is hear my friends! After several coats of anxiety, and then a final coat of giving up on it being perfect, it is complete DIY LYRA-8 is complete.BEHOLD.…
It's Sunday, and you know that means I'm legally obligated to provide some bloggo'du'music, so this week we are talking about Antumbra's KLIK. KLIK be a trigger sequencer from Antumbra,…
I'm back Buchlas! Sorry for the hiatus, holiday season and whatnot had me all over the place. But now that I'm back home in the land of the free/8pm curfew,…
Is it cute? Is it little? I guess that's for your to decide dear reader, but I love this little lab. Not that I ever actually make music in it...…
Good morrow and a harpy Sunday to you all! Tis the spookiest season, and I hope yawl are pump-kin'd up and ready for the weirdest day of the year. To…
The day has come (and gone actually, but for effect we'll pretend it's today). The LYRA-8 I have been lovingly crafting for the past few weeks is...Well you'll just have…
Last week on the bloggo we reviewed a cool little guitar to MIDI application called MIDI Guitar 2. It should be called Guitar 2 MIDI, mostly because I call it…
You asked for it, you got it, MIDI Guitar 2 Review! It's so serendipitous it rhymes. "MIDI Guitar 2 Review", say it with me now! MIDIGuitar2 REVIEW, MIDIGuitar2 REVIEW, MIDIGuitar2…
Self quarantine is easy with the 4MS SMR DIY build! Don't you fret, there are only 100+ 1K resistors, among the litany of other passive components. And we're not even…